The Sake Koji On-Line Order Center

Vision Brewing Products 

Basic Sake overview and Beginners Recipe



Click HERE If you would like to order a 10 gram starter pack ($US16.50) of Koji-Kin (koji-tanae) using the on-line credit card or U.S cheque payment system. We will be notified as soon as payment is made and will ship immediately. Delivery time is usually 5-7 working days. Please make sure your shipping address details are correct. Please note prices are in US dollars and include shipping. Did you know that koji-kin can be used to make beer and other drinks and food products, click here to find out more

Do you like to order using PAYPAL, please click Paypal order page


Details about  Vision Brewing




Vision Brewing is a company that  supplies Koji-Kin for the  manufacture of kome-koji used in the making of Japanese Sake and specialises in shipping the seeds world-wide. These are the seeds of the mould that is used in the conversion of starch to sugar and is responsible for the complex and interesting flavors created in the brewing process. A 10 gram packet will produce approximately 6 kilos of Koji Rice (rice that has been enriched with enzymes from the growth of Koji). This will produce approx 22 litres of Sake.

These prices include shipment costs.If you require larger amounts or are a reseller  please contact us.

The koji seeds are dry and extremely stable and are stored in an air lock bag. They have an indefinite shelf life being dried conidia, they need no refrigeration and the packet can be opened and closed frequently without harm done to the contents. Postage (air mail, 7 working days) is the method of shipping.

 Click HERE If you would like to place an order via the Kagi order page (recommended).

Do you like to order using PAYPAL then please click Paypal order page

Go to the Vision Brewing Basic Sake Making Instruction Page

Each order comes with detailed description of the sake making  process and detailed instructions on how to use this product to make sake. No other specialised materials are needed to make home brew sake

 email: Vision Brewing:  [email protected] 

 Vision Brewing, P.O box 108. Nedlands 6909 W.A


A few words by Lesley Painchaud about her homebrew sake experience in Japan.


Thank you. I drank this home brew in Japan years ago. My neighbors there
were farmers who grew rice in the spring/summer, cabbages in the fall. They
made this white sake in a big pot in the winter. We had some after dinner at
their home one evening and they gave me a bottle to take with me. It was
sweet and delicious. Better than hot cocoa. I have found recipes on the
internet in the past, but was not sure how to procure the elusive koji-rice. Your
web site made it easy. I feel lucky to have finally found it. I'm going to
make this sake when the weather turns cold. I hope my husband doesn't like
